
An Inspiring Collection of Exquisite English Phrases on One's Hometown

2024-02-07 23:41:12 1


The beautiful scenery of my hometown always makes me feel relaxed and happy, and makes people linger.


At home, the city is a dream; in the city, the hometown is floating in the sky.


There is only a broken tower in the distance. There is nothing to see. But I can't help looking and daydreaming because there is my hometown in that direction.


Just like she left her parents in her hometown and worked alone in other places. Everyone is trying to live and give up for happiness.


My hometown, like my mother, is nurturing us with her plants and trees.


The mother is worried about her children's journey, and the wind and rain are changeable. Add clothes to be added, don't worry about dreams.


No matter how beautiful the city is, it will not be the cloud of our hometown; no matter how long the way home is, it will not be our miss.


At the moment when we left our hometown, we were destined to be young.


Quiet night, imagination, miss my hometown, miss my family, miss my friends!


When will old general Ran Ran Ran turn against his hometown. The Dragon hides the deep spring, and the beast steps high. Foxes die in Shouqiu. Their hometown is safe to forget.


I finally left my hometown and came to the city, like a leaf falling into the water from a tree.


Hometown, what is hometown? Home is the genius of blunt, wild boundless, the wind grass low see cattle and sheep. A night smoke barren garrison base, half pole slanting moon old pass city.


Borrow the light of the sky and connect to the earth; don't know the water of your hometown clearly, and don't be close to your hometown.


I have been away from my hometown for many years. I feel that things are changing and the scenery is totally different.


In essence, we are all people who have lost their hometown and cannot reach far away.


Camel Bells sway gently, the desert is barren, walking two lines who is sad. The wind and sand are boundless, the temples are grey, the sound of Hu Qin is cool, who sings softly, where is home.


If you can't go back to your hometown, there will always be one person and one soul on the way.


I can understand the ignorance and vanity on the way. They are all from my hometown, but I want to see them elsewhere.


I seem to remember that when I came back to my hometown, my friends and I were always learning the way you broke in.


Although I have been away from my hometown for more than ten years, nothing has changed in my hometown. The sky in my hometown is still so blue, and the water in my hometown is still so clear.


I come to the world to bring good luck. I go back to Xianshan to play far away. Penglai is the hometown among the misty colorful clouds.


Don't ask me where I come from. It's a hometown you don't know. Don't ask me where I am. It's a distance you can't reach.


Although Jincheng is happy, it's better to go back to hometown; although paradise is good, it's not a place to stay for a long time. I'm going home!


In May, Maoting in Panasonic is cool, but in the evening, the trees are grey. Pedestrian infinite autumn wind thinking, across the water green mountain like hometown.


When I went back to my hometown and wanted to find my childhood playmate to talk about the past, I knew that I had moved to Loukong and didn't know where.


I feel that in the four years since I went abroad, I can't leave any trace of the water flowing from the lotus leaf to my hometown.


We kept running around and being fooled by the invisible until we recalled the feeling of playing hide and seek, then we went back to our hometown and died.


In addition to the old cloth, new and strong, first oil and then brush fine processing. How much joy do you know in life? Polish your shoes.


A plate of tilapia. It's very expert. The flavor of my hometown is drunk before anyone else.


Following the path of my hometown, through the streets and alleys, I came back to my hometown. The excitement is beyond description.


The places I can't go are far away, the places I can't go back are my hometown, but I yearn for the places farther away.


To carry a bag on one's back is a passer-by; to lay down one's burden is to find one's hometown.


It's easy to see when you're gone, but it's hard to see when you're gone.


Even if you can go back to your hometown, the family you can go back to is no longer there.


In the eyes of literary and art youth, nostalgia is a narrow boat ticket, and in the eyes of food, nostalgia is a delicious home dish.


Hometown is like a small and beautiful pearl, which is located in the green mountains.


You remind me of the feeling of my hometown, the distant song of charcoal stove, but there is no snow in winter here.


The cold wind and the drizzle make me sad. The lonely wind makes me see the sky at night. When is the long night? I said where is my hometown.


When you leave your hometown and go out to fight, hometown is really given the meaning of hometown. Well, I'm homesick.


I am on the mountain, looking at my hometown. Hometown is invisible and never forgotten.


Whenever I think of my hometown, the white clouds like sheep appear in front of me, and the rumbling sound of iron cattle rings in my ears.


The forest surface is cold and white, and the world is clear. The hermit comes and goes only in the middle of the moon.


You are my hometown with water. And hometown is the place I can't go back.


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An Inspiring Collection of Exquisite English Phrases on One's Hometown

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