

The Heart-Wrenching and Emotionally Charged Phrases on Douyin Presented in English

1、哪有人喜欢孤单,不过是受够了失望。No one likes to be alone, but is fed up with disappointment.2、牵着我的手,闭着眼睛走你也不会迷路。Take my hand and walk with your eyes closed, and yo

Heartbreaking phrases in English that evoke deep emotions.

1、以后遇见的人,都是心里装着别人的人。After meeting people, are filled with other people's heart.2、你从未入戏,而我却赔上了我自己。You've never been in, and I've lost myself.3、你随便的说说,我

A collection of exquisitely crafted and elegantly worded English phrases that are sure to captivate and inspire.

1、跟我走吧,情书给你,怀抱给你,钥匙给你,家给你,往后余生都给你。Come with me, love letters to you, arms to you, keys to you, home to you, for the rest of your life.2、你有一张好陌生的脸,到今天才

Heartwarming Short English Phrases About Love

1、你的眼睛,就像一汪清澈的泉水。Your eyes are like a clear spring.2、一起笑过哭过,便是最美的天涯。Laughing and crying together is the most beautiful end of the world.3、爱就是你来了以后,便再也

Love Phrases in English: Short and Sweet Expressions for Your Heartfelt Emotions

1、你是我的专属天使,没有人能取代你的位置。You are my exclusive angel, no one can take your place.2、千年的等待,换来我千年对你无止境的思念。Thousands of years of waiting, in exchange for my e

Beautiful Sentences in English for 2021: A Collection of Poetic and Inspiring Phrases

1、我不无理取闹不胡思联想,你就真的以为我过的好吗。I don't make trouble without reason, don't you think I'm doing well.2、不要太在乎一些人,越在乎,越卑微。Don't care too much about some people

Romantic and Sweet Love Confession: Collection of Short and Memorable Love Quotes and Phrases


Express Your Love and Devotion in English with These Heartfelt Words and Phrases

1、没遇见你之前,我,随遇而安,遇见你之后,我,以你为安。Before I meet you, I will be happy with you. After I meet you, I will be happy with you.2、我爱你,为了你的幸福,我愿意放弃一切包括你。I love yo

Transforming Sweet Fairy-like Phrases into English

1、不要问我心里有没有你,我余光中都是你。Don't ask me if I have you in my heart. I'm all about you.2、月亮不抱你,时光摧毁你,可我还是想爱你。The moon doesn't hold you, time destroys you, but

Top 10 Heartfelt English Phrases for Expressing Love and Affection

1、情书是抄的,爱你是真的。Love letter is copied, love you is true.2、花开并蒂莲,生生世世好。Flowers and lotus flowers, good for life.3、我是真的,真的,真的爱你。I really, really, really l

A Collection of Heartwarming and Inspiring English Phrases to Brighten Your Day

1、相守而不相爱,这是错误;相爱而不相守,那是痛苦。It is a mistake to be together but not to love; to love without to be together is pain.2、我一直在关注你,用一切你知道或不知道的方式。I've been wat

的表达:Beautiful Expressions in English Phrases

1、不会让自己寂寞,那年看过的烟花,绚丽夺目。Will not let themselves lonely, that year saw fireworks, gorgeous.2、幸福就是在明媚的阳光里,遇到比阳光明媚一百倍的你。Happiness is to meet you one hundr

Ten Beautiful English Poetic Phrases about the Arrival of Li Xia, the Beginning of Summer Season

关于立夏的英文诗句1、立夏春厚得,德善行积寿。至长明英郎,短安夜晚样。茫茫然只头,景影绿日长!Li Xia Chun Hou, virtue and good deeds accumulate longevity. The best is the best. Boundless only head,

Phrases and Quotes to Wish Your Teachers a Happy and Memorable Teacher's Day in English

1、高山不移,碧水常流,我师恩泽,在心永留,节日快乐。Mountains do not move, blue water often flow, my teacher grace, stay in the heart forever, happy festival.2、从孩子点滴的进步中,我感到你在

Explosively Popular on TikTok: Catchy and Trendy Phrases in English!

1、我打算把喜欢自己,当成最紧要的事情放在心上。I plan to like myself, as the most important thing in mind.2、有人试图和你无理取闹,安静的看着他,说:祝你好心情。然后离开。Someone tries to make trouble with

Love Expressions Collection in English: A Comprehensive Compilation of Romantic Words and Phrases!

1、我们一起白头,谁都不许偷偷去焗油。We are white headed together. No one is allowed to steal oil.2、爱是甘愿断掉了所有退路,只为换一个共度余生的你。Love is willing to cut off all retreat, only